Monday, November 26, 2007

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

We had the joy of hosting 2 Thanksgiving's this year--one for Chuck's side on Thanksgiving Day, and one for my side on Saturday after Thanksgiving. There was a lot of prep work, but was VERY nice having everyone here! Here are some pictures:

Some of the Johnson cousins on Thanksgiving Day.....

Then, on Saturday....

Lorrie andDanielle

After Sharyn, Raquel, Courtney, and Cassidy arrived

The 'kids table'--see Grandpa sitting with them? He fits right in! :)
Dishing up...
Sawyer in his p.j.'s after a busy day...
Sharyn, Cassidy and Lorrie...
Courtney and Raquel...
Silly boys right before bed...Don't they look tired? :)
We had an awesome weekend...too bad Neve was too sick to join us. :(
Hope that everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving with family and friends.


Peace is every step said...

Thanks for being our hostess with the mostess!!! You make it look so easy.

Lorrie said...

You really do! Thanks for having the crew this year! Love the pictures!

Julie B said...

looks like you all had a great time-wish I could have been there! I was going to try and call you all, but got lost in my studies :)

My Lifesong said...

Thanks for hosting our family Thanksgiving. See more pics on my blog.