Saturday, November 17, 2007

7 Random Things about ME

1. Like my sisters, I love all things nature. The other day I sat and watched a bird recover from flying itself into one of our windows. It took 45 minutes, and I cried while I watched it breathing heavy, in fear that it would stop right before my eyes.
This is actually the bird, after it got itself to standing position. :)
2. I pray every night. Mainly for my health and the health of my family. I thank Him for all that He's given me, and, honestly, I don't feel worthy of it all. I, also, pray for financial freedom....:) (don't we all?)
3. I LOVE to dance. I dance whenever I can, wherever there's music. I can't help it. I would have loved the opportunity to dance for a career, even though I'm the most unflexible person I know.
4. I have hermit crab tendencies. Some days I have to force myself to leave the house. I love the safety and comfort of home. To be surrounded by all that I love is the best feeling in the world to me.
5. I love exploring different cultures and learning about the lives of non-Americans. Our neighbors have 2 foreign exchange students, and we have great conversations on the differences of each of our countries......USA, Slovakia, and Turkey....interesting combo.
6. I hate exercising! I find a million and one reasons to NOT do it! I love to eat, however, and I'm afraid it's all catching up to me. I love to cook for large crowds and seeing everyone love what I've prepared. Cleaning up is another story. My hubby's good for that, though. :)
7. I'm a nightowl and NOT a morning person. I hate being forced to wake up via an alarm clock. If I have to, I literally don't open my eyes until after my shower. Yes, I shower with my eyes closed. Chuck laughs at me every morning, as he's a morning person. I'll find any reason to stay up later....mostly to watch t.v. I think it's because the days go by too fast, and I dread saying goodbye to yet another day.
And there you go! I think all the bloggers I know have been tagged already.


Peace is every step said...

I'm laughing at you showering with your eyes closed...that is so Lorrie. You gave me a flashback of living with her and her morning zombiness...ahhh, the good ol days.

I'm so over the morning stuff--ever since I've had kids I'm the opposite: I fall asleep at 9AM and I'm wide awake at 6AM. Officially old. But, when need be, I can party it up till the wee hours..I still got it!

Peace is every step said...

Oh and Chris, I went to the "festival of trees" today (an artisan/craft show) and a lady had a booth selling felted purses...they were of less quality than yours (seriously) and she was selling them for $55.00. They were going like hot cakes! You gotta get making them for next year and get a booth!!! People again were asking about my bag, and offering me $$ for it. :)

Julie B said...

I have the giggles thinking of you with your eyes closed :) I am just jealous you can just wake up and get in the shower! Lots of planning goes into when I can shower :)

Yes-I am over the morning choice when I have one thats up around 4:30-5 and the other around 6! Mara goes back to sleep until 7-7:30 but I never really do. My brain does officially stop working after 9 PM, which really makes it hard to get studying in!

Loved reading your seven.....a few surprises there :)

Danielle- WOW! Only up for 3 hours? Thats a lot of sleeping... :)

Lorrie said...

Hey, I am better in the morning!! As long as I don't have to talk to anyone that is (: Chris you better get on that purse thing!

Lorrie said...

Hey, I am better in the morning!! As long as I don't have to talk to anyone that is (: Chris you better get on that purse thing!

My Lifesong said...

You take after years past. I was never a morning person. Luckily, my children mostly slept in and weren't early risers, til school started, and I was forced to be up @ 0700. Now, I still hate the 5am rising when i work days, and still love the evening shift to sleep til 0800.

Chris said...

O.k. I can't stop laughing at Danielle only up for 3 hours....hee hee. And Lorrie's double post...I guess I have the giggles this morning. Think I'm getting excited for next weekend. :)
O.k. I officially started on my first of many purses last night. I'm actually almost done with it. :) I'll post pictures, of course.

Peace is every step said...

Yep, it's hard, it's hard. I usually wake up to eat, then Shawn nurses me for the next 21 hours while I snooze.

OK, I'm getting goofy. Can't wait for sister time!!

My Lifesong said...

I can relate to the eyes closed, but for me, it's getting up to go to the bathroom that I keep my eyes closed.