We loaded up the boys and the neighbor kids--and adults--and took them to a neighborhood that has more than 3 houses to do our trick-or-treating. Mitch went full force the entire time--never tiring, and never getting cold. I was freezing, and stayed almost the entire time in the vehicle and watched them run. Our last house we went to was set up like a haunted house (we knew them) with a strobe light and scary manequin's dressed in masks. And the scariest part was the woman had a speaker set up, and called each person by their names. Freaky. You would have thought Mitch's feet were stuck in the mud. He went running for the house, thinking it was a normal house, and stopped DEAD when he saw the manequin in the doorway. He couldn't move back or forward. Poor boy. I had to pick him up and carry him back to the car. Yeah, halloween was not all fun a games at this point.
Never once have any of my kids wanted to be something REALLY scary for halloween, except for this year. Tanner insisted on being something scary and covered with blood. I told him that we, as a family, don't participate in halloween to that extent, and I don't buy masks and costumes that will scare all the little kids out there. He refused to get a costume, if it wasn't what he wanted, up until halloween day. So, we compromised on the mask you see in the picture. He ended up being an old lady--(really a witch's mask), and wore my apron I recieved at my wedding shower. :) It was quite funny, actually, and not too scary. Everyone loved it and thought it was unique. Sigh.....Mom is not so stupid, after all.
We arrived home to smashed pumpkins (no, not the band). Why do people do that?! Out of our 3 families that live on these 10 acres, there are 5 teenagers. I guess that comes with the territory. I just wish they could see the little ones faces when they discover their masterpeices smashed all over the yard. It's too bad.
Allison spent the night at her favorite hang-out spot....sitting by the computer, at home, in her jammies. :) And Ashley spent the evening at a church, hanging with all her friends. She came home with a fever, headache, sore throat and the chills. I made her tea, and cuddled with her on the couch until late into the night. ( I didn't want it to end)
So, that was our Halloweeeeeeeeeeeen.
OMG, Tanner is too funny. Aidan probably would never recover from the manequins!!! Actually, he's getting a bit more brave, but little nevie is a different story. Glad you got to cuddle your girl.;)
Poor Mitchie!! I would have been scared too. If that happened to Analese, yikes, would I have a problem! She is already scared to do things like go into the bathroom by herself because she once heard a noise. Now, when she does go in there (and I am right behind her) I hear her tell herself (it's ok, its just water, thats all, just water)
That is too bad about the pumpkins, but your night sounds good otherwise. I love the costumes!
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