I got the o.k. from Tanner to tell this story. As Tanner was curled up in our bed on Saturday morning--after our first night in our new house--I was telling him that when the sun came up, it shone directly in my face. I told him I felt like I was lying on a beach. He, innocently, looked at me and said, "Why don't you go and buy one of those Tampax pillows I saw on t.v." Chuck and I were trying to stifle our laughs and asked him what pillows were they. He said, "You know, those long, skinny pillows that you put your head on." O.k. we were laughing out loud by now. Tanner got the giggles, too, when he saw us with tears and asked what was so funny. Chuck gets out of bed and says, "You have to have a talk with him," as he heads in the shower. Yeah, thanks Chuck! Soooo, the talk began. I started out by explaining what Tampax were used for--yes, he was disgusted, I think; but it progressively turned into "the" talk. I was surprised how easy it was, very relaxed...just the perfect time. I think he was a little surprised, but not SHOCKED. After telling him everything, he said, "Oh, is that why you were laughing?" I said "Yeah," and he said...."What kind of pillow am I thinking of then? It starts with a 'T'?" and I slowly said, "A temperpedic?" and he said, "Yeah, that's it!"...sigh...
If you know my Tanner--I feel sometimes he just gets ripped on a lot of the time. He is very--how do I say--vocal. (Which means he is loud--a lot of the time) I, unfortunetly, get after him quite a bit during the length of the day. He is such a combo of myself and Chuck--emotionally-like me; very silly and goofy-like Chuck. He is always the rule follower, and feels like he has to correct everyone (like myself). He also loves to sing, and make weird noises (like Chuck), that seem to annoy everyone around him, unfortunatly. He is a sweet boy, and always sticks up for his family and friends--and even others that are being picked on. I'm so proud of him. But, sometimes, I feel like I don't give him enough of my time and attention; and, at times, over-parent him. It's really hard for me to just let him grow up. I think it's because I've been directing him his entire life, and it's hard for me to let him just BE. Sigh........it's such a struggle for me. I've seen a "change" in him since our talk, however. I think it was really important for him and I to talk that honestly and openly, and he was able to ask me questions, and I was able answer him then and there, and not telling him "we'll talk later." The cuddle time was good, too. :)
So, every day now, he comes home with a new "girl" story. The girls beg him to sit by them at lunch, he's been invited to a girls house for a homecoming party, and so on. I think the "talk" came at a perfect time in his life. :)
It sounds like everything went well and he probably felt really connected to you. Ours boys are have a lot of the same qualities and I, too have to just let him BE (I like how you said that:)) I also hate that Tanner is all about the ladies....it just makes me realize how old Alaina and him are getting...sigh... I just want them to go play and not worry about any of that yet (or ever).
too funny about the Tampax pillows-yes, very comfy indeed :)
I am glad everything went well with your talk, and it sounds like you had the perfect opportunity to do it!
I hope I am able to be just a relaxed about it....
Ah, those teachable moments!!! He is so cute! I'm so glad it went well and the moment presented itself so smoothly.
Boys are such interesting little creatures, aren't they? I think I can ditto all of what you said about my own very "in your face" boy...it's so easy to get caught up and not see them for who they are. My stumbling block is NOISE. I can't handle it. All reason leaves me. I too, need to lay off and let him roll more often. :)
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