Tuesday, May 20, 2008

What I love about my 11 yr. old

It's 2 days late, but here it goes:

You act so tough, but deep down I know that you are so caring and sensitive. Your feelings get hurt, but you try so hard not to show it.

You stick by your family through thick and thin. Yes, you may fight and disagree, at times, with all of us, but you are loyal to the end. Nobody says anything bad about our family in your presence! And that includes all your cousins. :)

You are so thankful whenever you recieve gifts. You make the person feel as if they've given you the best gift in the whole world.

You are a rule-follower. You know what's right and what's wrong. You like to play fair, and will fight for justice. Some call you 'cautious', but I call you RESPONSIBLE. I can count on you to keep an eye on your brother or cousins, and trust that when you've had enough you will let me know.

You think positive most of the time--even though I know that it's hard sometimes.

I love your activity level. Your love of sports inspires me to try new things. Sorry--I know I'm terrible at football....that ball seems to always jam my fingers, I don't know what I do wrong. I can't wait to see you flying down the ski slopes! You are so brave in that way.
Trying escargot for the first time......
I couldn't love you any more than I do. I hope you have a fantastic 11th year....full of wonderful surprises, exciting adventures, and breathtaking moments.
Happy Birthday.


The Spirit said...

Sounds like he would make a wonderful fireman (I don't want him to be a cop). Sound like he is really responsible and I can see it when we're together. He's a wonderful grandson and I'm proud that he is my first!

Lorrie said...

Awww, that was beautiful! What a wonderful young man and a true light in your family (: Happy Birthday again Tan Man-Love you!!

Julie B said...

aww so sweet! What a great little man you have there and yikes-11?!?
I hope your birthday was an awesome day Tanner-you definitely deserve it!

Thanks for all your advice concerning allergies. I was happy to know that we were doing almost all of them :) I do think the sinus rinses would be good for her-we use it on ourselves. I just don't see her handling it very well :( She freaks out when we out lotion on her rash. How did you get Mitchell to handle it-any tips?

Chris said...

Mitchell is so easy--except when it comes to taking out splinters. :) I just told him that the doctor gave me something to try for his nose, and that it would help him breath better. He giggled through the whole thing. I just had to remind him not to swallow. I think the Nette pot would be so much more mild and gentle, though. I have to remember to purchase one of those. You'll have to let us know if you try one. :)

Peace is every step said...

Happy Birthday Tanner! I love all the pictures-they're so him!