Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Some pictures of our future home.

Here are a few pictures of our new house. Keep in mind that the furniture is not ours, and the colors will be different. I'll post these now, then I'll post more as we move in and make it our own.

A lovely shade of green. We will be painting it a cedar color.

The upstairs living room and eating area. I'm thinking of a warm tan or caramel color to accent the fireplace stone. Kaylyn--any suggestions?

The cozy basement fireplace. Should I change this color or keep it light? I love terra cotta (sp?) color. Should I warm it up?

They used the basement as their master bedroom. We would have to use it as our family room.

I didn't add any pictures of the kitchen. Just imagine dark cabinets with that lovely shade of green that is on the exterior, on the walls of the kitchen. Until we are able to remodel, I'll be putting on new kitchen hardware, new faucet, lights and paint. O.k.'s a picture of the kitchen:

A little smaller than I'm used to....but it'll do for now.
Does the fridge look miniature to you? Chuck says it's not, but I beg to differ. That may need an upgrade...I don't know if it can hold all the food this family eats!
So, what do you think?


Anonymous said...
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Peace is every step said...

I love the lot! The picture must not give the green justice, because I actually really like it!! We're thinking of doing green for our house this year :).

I'm loving the fireplaces-I wish we had them!!!!

I like the beams too--I think some carmely color would look awesome--maybe a tad lighter neutral brown downstairs?

Your kitchen looks so similar to our cabinets before we painted them-new hardware makes a world of difference.

I would live there in a second. :)

Lorrie said...

I think the house looks great-now seeing it again, I am seeing things I really like that I didn't notice before like the beams and the details of the fireplaces. I agree with the caramely color up and a lighter shade down. You will make it look great when you move all your stuff in there. And hey, I think I have the same kitchen cabinets... There are so many things I want to change about our house, but Jon and I are just not as handy as Chuck! So, Danielle was it easy to paint your cabinets? I didn't realize you had painted them yourself-they look great! Any way the house is great and it will feel like home in no time!

Chris said...

Thanks gals! After thinking about the basement, and talking to Chuck about it, I think I won't go as dark as terra cotta. Maybe a tan would be better.
I thought about painting the cabinets, but I don't know now, especially if we plan on expanding next year.
Lorrie--I AM so lucky to have handy-man Chuck. It would be impossible to do any of this without his knowledge. You have a ton of cabinets, I can't imagine painting all of them. I know that Michelle and Chuck have done theirs, and they look great. I'm sure Dani has some knowledge on that subject.
Dan-I think your house would be great a nice green color. This house is not--it's peeling everywhere, and the deck is coming away from the house...and I didn't show you a pic of the back of the house....yikes!

Julie B said...

Chrissie-I think your house looks great! I LOVE the beams and the jealous!
I agree with a tan color for the basement...with a bright accent color for pillows and such? (that's what I planning for our basement :) )

Again-I think it looks great, and all you need to do is make it your own.

Lorrie-I so understand the need and desire to change things...we planned on painting our cabinets, and then we were going to bleach them to a lighter we are waiting to just rip them out! It's so hard to wait to do these things...but the basement has to come first, as we have no room for baby stuff right now :)

My Lifesong said...

I think it has a lot of potential. I too love the fireplaces and beams. Slow but surely, you'll change things that fit more you're style, and comfort. Yes, be happy that Chuck is handy, and can do a lot of the work. With time, you'll come to make it very special, and love it.