Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Our weekend

Our weekend was full of nothing. I love weekends like those. It's a rarity in our household. Chuck wasn't feeling very good. I think the 'kink' that I had a couple weeks ago might have been a virus, 'cause now Chuck has it. You would think he's on the verge of hospitalization with the way he was acting. Yes, I had sympathy 'cause I know how bad it hurts, but I didn't sit all day with an electric massager, and beg constantly for back rubs. :) He napped both Saturday and Sunday, and opted out of our family day soccer game. Poor baby....;) On the up side...when he's not feeling good he just wants me to sit with him and get cozy with a movie (his choice, mind you). So, I curled up with him and watched the Vikings play on a rainy Sunday afternoon--which was heaven--too bad they lost.:( I have to admit, sometimes I like it when he's sick. I have him all to myself.

I did paint Ashley's room this weekend, as well. When we first had the rooms painted, she insisted on two walls a berry color, and two walls a bright orange color. We had them painted to her specifications, but when she walked into the room she said...."I hate it. Can we redo it?" I told her to give it some time. Well, she still hated it after 3 weeks, so we went and picked out a matallic silver for one wall, and white for the others. It has taken me one coat of gray primer to cover the bright colors, and 3 coats of the white to cover the gray of the primer. I'm painted out, I tell ya! I still have one more coat to do, and I'm really trying to get pumped to do it. body hurts.... I do love the new color, though. It brightens her room up a ton. I'll post pictures when we're done. She wants an old Broadway look to her room--with red curtains, black and white accessories and bedding. She has a black and white Marilyn Monroe poster for her wall, and wants more "ancient" moviestar (so she puts it) posters. :) It'll be fun to decorate, I think. Now, finding the 'right' bedding will be a challenge. Kaylyn, any ideas?
The boys played all weekend with the neighbors. I put an extremely tired and weepy Mitchell to bed Friday night after a couple head injuries. Nothing too severe, but when you are exhausted after a week of school, and a late Friday night playing with friends--he had HAD it! As I'm laying him in our bed--a treat for him when Mom and Dad are playing cards--he tells me of all his frustrations throughout the week, all in an octive 3 times higher than his normal tone. I understood some, but not all, and just rubbed his head till he fell asleep. Ahhhh, to be 6 again.....
Tanner played hard all weekend, too. The milestone he acheived?.....his first 'real' phonecall from a girl asking who he likes. Here we go.....He informed me that he wants to have a party, so that him and his friends can hang out. Who is this kid? I'm sure it'll involve girls, as well.
And, my big girl, Allison. She is my homebody....and I love it! She did get dressed, finally, on Sunday, to help with Sunday school. (I think we're a good team) Then, we all went to her boyfriend, Brad's, confirmation party. As soon as we returned home, the jammies returned on her body. She spent the afternoon sketching in her sketchpad--since Sunday is our 'no computer' day.
So, that wraps up our weekend. It never truly is a 'quite' weekend at our house, but I wouldn't have it any other way.


Peace is every step said...

Sounds like a great weekend....well, without all the sickness and injuries. I can just hear Mitchie's falseto (sp?), what a cutie.
We had a busy weekend of canning and wine making. Plus we also had a date! Shawn's mom came up and watched the kiddos. It was fabulous-we went to a new place and had the best meal we've ever had...
Aidan age 5 (he had to write it)

Kaylyn said...

So this is what I would imagine the bedding to look like for her hollywood glamour room: check out this link---

I would also imagine different shaped and sized antique-look frames painted black with pictures of old hollywood stars. arrange the frames in a neat form above her bed on the metalic wall. that would look really cool. my brain is full of other ideas...what a fun room to put together!! let me know if you want more suggestions! :)

Chris said...

Kaylyn--you are such a sweetie. I LOVE the comforter, and it's exactly what I was thinking of for her. I'll show it to her and see what she thinks. I'll be sure to tell her it was picked out by you (not me)! :) Thank you so much for the ideas.

My Lifesong said...

Sounds like a busy "nothing" weekend, but isn't it wonderful to relax and cosy up for awhile, and do what you want to do most of the day? My weekend was work-12 hr. shifts @ the hospital, days friday,and evenings Monday. I chilled out on Tuesday! Can't wait to see Ash's room.

Peace is every step said...

OK, now I want the hollywood glamour room! I love the bedspread and the ideas Kaylyn. Want to do my house next? :)

Lorrie said...

I love the colors in Ashley's room much better! Can't wait to see the final results!

Julie B said...

I love weekends full of nothing, although painting Ashley's room was certainly something :) The curling up and watching movies sounds heavenly!

Wow-Tanner getting a phone call form a girl....I am sure this is only the beginning!

Chris said...

Yeah, Julie, I'm a little scared about the phone call thing. This group of girls that "like" him are a little overwhelming to a 10 yr. old boy, I think. They call and ask him who he likes, he tells them, and they say "Why?" in a 'not-so-nice' way. I know how to talk to the girls about this, but my son? HELP!!

The Spirit said...

Oh yes I love those rainy weekends where there is no place you have to be and nothing to do around the house except maybe do a crossword puzzle...if I can only remember where I put my glasses!