Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Mitchell's new glasses

As you can see, we will be purchasing his SECOND pair of glasses real soon. It appears that Mitchell is a little TOO careful with his glasses and took them off one day so that he could play football. Well, one of the 4 dogs that roam the land out here stole those precious glasses and decided to play with them. We found them a few days later by the mailboxes and they were apparently run over quite a few times. Mitchell was so upset and felt so quilty that I had a hard time getting mad at him. He kept saying, "I'm so sorry, Mom!" My poor boy...I felt sorry for HIM!

The culprits!! Which one did it?! They all look a little shifty, if you ask me....


Lorrie said...

They all look pretty threatening to me (: I forgot to tell you that when I got to work today I had mud all over my pants-on the back and up the sides from a muddy nose sniffing me! At least you can pick up a new pair under your warranty- I wouldn't tell Mitch that, so then he will be more careful with the next pair!