Tuesday, August 5, 2008

My Birthday

It's that time of year birthday. Can you feel the excitement in my voice? As the years progress, birthdays take on a whole new meaning. I guess it's a time when I start thinking about my life and all that has happened in it. Not only am I getting older, my kids are, too, and I guess I can't help but feel a little sad...o.k. a lot sad. I always try and fill that day with the things I love to do. So, on my birthday I woke up to find a beautiful hanging basket from my Alli. She also bought me breakfast--our favorite rolls--and a very meaningful card. Did I raise such a thoughtful girl??

I took the kids out for lunch--Chinese, our favorite! Then we headed out to go paddle boating.

The naughty duck that bit my finger. I screamed so loud that everyone on shore was laughing at me. Must have thought I had food!

My fellow paddler. I don't think she did her share 'cause at the end I was sweating up a storm, but she was as cool as a cucumber. :)

That night a huge herd of elk decided to come to my birthday party! We counted 30+ elk...babies and all. It was sooooo cool! As we were watching them walk through our yard Allison walked outside with cupcakes with candles and sang 'Happy Birthday' to me. It was such a sweet ending to the day.


Anonymous said...

Kanami sang imo blog. Daw spaghetti.

Anonymous said...

i'm also into those things. care to give some advice?

Lorrie said...

Sounds like a great day! You and Ashley look exactly alike in that one photo. You still look great for being 38 (: That should be you motto this year "I still look great at 38!" and it even rhymes (: Happy Birthday, again! Love you!

Kaylyn said...

Happy Birthday!! I wish I was there to see all the elk! Crazy!!

Sharyn said...

You will always be younger than me... but not by much! :-) You look awesome for being 38! I am so jealous you get to experience all this wildlife on a daily basis! Just beautiful! Happy birthday, sis...younger only by 14 months & 11 days! :-)