Monday, October 29, 2007

Our insane weekend!

Our weekend started out with a Halloween/Belated 16th Birthday party for Allison, equiped with a dj, disco ball, costume wearing frenzy out in our garage! Prior to the party, it took Chuck 16 hours total to actually clean up the garage--did I mention how much I hate moving? So....Thurs. night and Friday consisted of decorating the garage and food gathering(which took 2 hours at the grocery store).

This group of kids always amazes me! I say that, because the dj kept commenting on how this group doesn't like the "typical" songs that he normally plays for this age group--meaning hip hop or rap. They danced to the 'Electric Slide' (one of my favorites), and 'Macarena' and other group dance songs like that. (Yeah, I won't pretend I know them) Then, at around 10:00 p.m. they decided they had enough dancing, told the dj thanks, then grabbed a movie and went to the bonus room to chill. I just love that! They were so cool with each other, and danced together as a group--no close dancing or inappropriate moves. I was impressed. The two neighbor girls came over (they are 9 and 8) dressed in their costumes, and everyone danced with them, too. So, yeah, you can say they LOVED it!

On Saturday, Mitch started hockey, and Tanner had his last try-out to find out which team he will be on this season. He was a happy boy when he recieved the news that he made it on the team he wanted. YIPEE.....TANNER!!! Way to go! Mitch was just excited to be on skates again.

I spent the day cleaning and cooking food for Sunday. Allison was confirmed on Sunday afternoon. We had 32 people here for lunch and dessert.

I'll admit, I was a little choked up all morning and afternoon yesterday. I just kept looking at my little girl--who's not so little anymore--and I was filled with so much pride. Each confirmand had to write a faith statement; and, to be honest, hers just blew me away. She had three full pages of what her faith means to her, and every time I read it--yeah, you already know--I bawl! She was so nervous to have me read it; mainly because she wasn't sure if she wrote it right. I told her that she couldn't have gotten it more "right." She poured out her heart, and I will treasure those pieces of paper always. She's growing into such an amazing, strong, young woman. This weekend also opened my eyes as to how close she actually is to adulthood. Oh man, do I have a pain in my stomach (heart) as I type that. My sister-in-law keeps reminding me that I have to look at it in a positive way--that this is just the start of new beginnings--but my heart aches at the thought of her growing up and moving on! O.k., I can't start this...I'll never be able to stop!....deep breath.....

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Toilet paper rolls and towel racks...

We finally got our toilet paper rolls and towel racks in our bathrooms!!! YIPEE!! It's amazing the things you miss when you don't have them. Building a new house gives you endless projects.
I think they're just beautiful......

Lighten Up!

Ashley decided to lighten her hair this past weekend...and she trusted me enough to do it for her! Yeah, you all remember Allison's fiasco. She does look a little worried in that first picture, don't ya think? It does help that Ashley has blond hair originally, so I knew I couldn't screw this up.
The end result--with her good friend Danica! Such a pretty lady!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Rainy Day FUN!!!

The kids decided they were sick of being inside during their MEA break because of all the rain we have, so we decided to make boats and float them in our flooded ditches! They were very creative and had a blast! Yes, the water is freezing, but they don't seem to mind, since they are STILL out there!
Sorry, Lorrie, if Alaina and Jon come home with colds!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Mitchell's new glasses

As you can see, we will be purchasing his SECOND pair of glasses real soon. It appears that Mitchell is a little TOO careful with his glasses and took them off one day so that he could play football. Well, one of the 4 dogs that roam the land out here stole those precious glasses and decided to play with them. We found them a few days later by the mailboxes and they were apparently run over quite a few times. Mitchell was so upset and felt so quilty that I had a hard time getting mad at him. He kept saying, "I'm so sorry, Mom!" My poor boy...I felt sorry for HIM!

The culprits!! Which one did it?! They all look a little shifty, if you ask me....

Monday, October 15, 2007

Breakin' up is hard to do.....

Yep, after 8 months of teenage bliss, Allison has broken up with Brad. It has been a very hard weekend for all of us--mostly her. We really like Brad, and Allison does, too, but she is ready to explore other relationships. We are very supportive, but it has been very tough for her. She says that she'd rather be the one dumped than to have to dump someone. We told her it's good that she feels bad; it shows that she's not heartless and will always care about Brad. The weekend was full of ups and downs--from him begging her not to break up, then him getting angry and swearing at her and calling her names. I told her it's just his way of letting her go, he has to get angry in order to feel better. I know it's killing her, and she's nervous about going to school today. So, send a little prayer up for her....and Brad. Our hearts break for him, too. :(

Monday, October 8, 2007

Strap on your skates....

Yes, we started our hockey season this weekend already! Tanner had 2 practices, and we (Chuck and I) started the season with a little dread. I say that, not because we hate the sport--we actually love the games, and cheering them on, but the practices are endless with the numerous and frequent trips across town to the rink. The hockey season goes into March, making it an extremely long season of sitting in a cold rink freezing our buns off on metal bleachers. Tanner is trying out for A squirts this year--which is stressful for them during try-out week. He's in pretty good shape, though, from football, so we don't hear any complaints that he's tired....yet. :) Allison also starts captains practices this week. She's going for varsity goalie. I'm always amazed when I watch her quick moves, and the amazing saves she has. Mitch doesn't start until the end of the we're anticipating many a question as to how many days until he gets to go. He is definetely a "rink rat" which is described as being younger siblings of players that spend as much time at the rinks as their siblings, but just "run around" the rink. His favorite part---the CONCESSION STAND!! We may have to take out a small loan with how much we purchase at the concession stand each season. I have to admit---that's my favorite part, too. :)

So, if you're ever in need of a good action-packed (yet cold) sport to watch, we have plenty of opportunities on our calendar to meet that need. :)

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Our weekend

Our weekend was full of nothing. I love weekends like those. It's a rarity in our household. Chuck wasn't feeling very good. I think the 'kink' that I had a couple weeks ago might have been a virus, 'cause now Chuck has it. You would think he's on the verge of hospitalization with the way he was acting. Yes, I had sympathy 'cause I know how bad it hurts, but I didn't sit all day with an electric massager, and beg constantly for back rubs. :) He napped both Saturday and Sunday, and opted out of our family day soccer game. Poor baby....;) On the up side...when he's not feeling good he just wants me to sit with him and get cozy with a movie (his choice, mind you). So, I curled up with him and watched the Vikings play on a rainy Sunday afternoon--which was heaven--too bad they lost.:( I have to admit, sometimes I like it when he's sick. I have him all to myself.

I did paint Ashley's room this weekend, as well. When we first had the rooms painted, she insisted on two walls a berry color, and two walls a bright orange color. We had them painted to her specifications, but when she walked into the room she said...."I hate it. Can we redo it?" I told her to give it some time. Well, she still hated it after 3 weeks, so we went and picked out a matallic silver for one wall, and white for the others. It has taken me one coat of gray primer to cover the bright colors, and 3 coats of the white to cover the gray of the primer. I'm painted out, I tell ya! I still have one more coat to do, and I'm really trying to get pumped to do it. body hurts.... I do love the new color, though. It brightens her room up a ton. I'll post pictures when we're done. She wants an old Broadway look to her room--with red curtains, black and white accessories and bedding. She has a black and white Marilyn Monroe poster for her wall, and wants more "ancient" moviestar (so she puts it) posters. :) It'll be fun to decorate, I think. Now, finding the 'right' bedding will be a challenge. Kaylyn, any ideas?
The boys played all weekend with the neighbors. I put an extremely tired and weepy Mitchell to bed Friday night after a couple head injuries. Nothing too severe, but when you are exhausted after a week of school, and a late Friday night playing with friends--he had HAD it! As I'm laying him in our bed--a treat for him when Mom and Dad are playing cards--he tells me of all his frustrations throughout the week, all in an octive 3 times higher than his normal tone. I understood some, but not all, and just rubbed his head till he fell asleep. Ahhhh, to be 6 again.....
Tanner played hard all weekend, too. The milestone he acheived?.....his first 'real' phonecall from a girl asking who he likes. Here we go.....He informed me that he wants to have a party, so that him and his friends can hang out. Who is this kid? I'm sure it'll involve girls, as well.
And, my big girl, Allison. She is my homebody....and I love it! She did get dressed, finally, on Sunday, to help with Sunday school. (I think we're a good team) Then, we all went to her boyfriend, Brad's, confirmation party. As soon as we returned home, the jammies returned on her body. She spent the afternoon sketching in her sketchpad--since Sunday is our 'no computer' day.
So, that wraps up our weekend. It never truly is a 'quite' weekend at our house, but I wouldn't have it any other way.