Sunday, February 3, 2008

The week...

Man, I'm going to try and get on here more often. I know how much I love reading new posts from my sisters, parents and cousin, so I'll try and post more often.

Here are some highlights of the week:

Last Saturday we took our family portrait for our church directory. That was a thrown together mess! I think the pictures looked like it, too. They do it all digitally now, and, as soon as they took the picture it was sent to this huge computer screen. I got the giggles the minute the first one was up. I hate saying this 'cause I DO think my husband is quite handsome....but the poor man is NOT photogenic! He tries way too hard, I think. He's so worried that he's going to blink that on the first picture his eyes look like they are bulging out of his head. I mistakingly burst out laughing. Poor guy. The next 2 were even worse, but opposite...his eyes were half shut in both. I'm sorry, but half blinking eyes are much funnier than completely blinking eyes. Sigh...the poor guy...I'm sure I dwindled his ego slightly that day. We did end up with one that was o.k. Needless to say, I didn't purchase any packages.

On Sunday Tanner celebrated his first communion. I feel a little slighted having grown up in a Catholic church where your 1st Communion is a BIG deal--complete with a smaller version of a wedding dress to wear; whereas in a Lutheran Church it is a much more quieter affair. Lutherans celebrate Confirmation like Catholics would their 1st Communion. So, there wasn't a big party that day. My parents and Chuck's sister and her husband were there to watch.

After church, Chuck and I went our seperate ways...I, to an away game with Tanner, and he to the cities to hop on a plane to Denver, CO. Het met with a very large contracting company in Golden, CO. Yes, things have been quiet in the building business. It has been for everyone in every aspect of construction--from building, remodeling, selling, buying, even mortgage companies have been slow and hurting. The only thing that is on the rise, it seems, is commercial. So, Chuck's trying to generate some work. It went very well for him. He was there til Tuesday night.

He came home to FREEZING weather. Or should I say 'TUNDRA' weather. Things were canceled that night and following morning due to the frigid cold and wind. It was dangerous out there. I think we ran our fire place constantly for 3 days. We just couldn't warm up. These knitted slippers I made have been doing the trick lately. I'm trying so hard to get more pairs made for our family, and extended family.

The rest of the week was filled with Sawyer, hockey, confirmation and cold. On Friday--my day without Sawyer--was spent ironing costumes for the musical Ashley is in....OOOOOOOOklahoma, where the wind comes sweeping down the planes......, then out for lunch with Chuck at our favorite chinese resteraunt. No, we didn't get through the week without a sick child at home. Allison was home with a sore throat on Friday. Poor girl, she had to miss her semi-formal dance at school. She didn't seem too upset, and we told her if she felt better she could still go, but she must not have felt o.k. 'cause she opted to stay home. It's been a movie marathon for her these last 2 days. It's her favorite thing to do....

Yesterday, Saturday, we spent in cold hockey rinks. Mitch's team kicked butt in the morning, and he SCORED A GOAL!!! He was soooo pumped. No, they don't technically keep score, but the kids know who won. After his game we hopped on a bus to Tanner's game. His team played the best game of their season to one of the toughest city teams around. They did lose, but it was only by 1 point--and they played their little hearts out. The other team was a full head taller than them, too. Boy, are we proud of them! After we got home, we headed to a hockey family's house for BBQ's, knee hockey in the basement, and the Minnesota Gopher's hockey on the t.v. Yes, I've had my fill. Looking forward to watching FOOTBALL on t.v. tonight! :)

So, today, we have a FREE day! Nowhere to be....nothing to do! It's awesome....

We woke up to the most beautiful frost blanketing the world outside.

We are venturing out later for the game. We are walking 100 ft. to the neighbors for a superbowl party. Otherwise, it's a cozy day at home. Enjoy, everyone!


Peace is every step said...

Glad to see you're back! I meant to call you this weekend....hopefully today?

PS I think you should post your family picture.:)

My Lifesong said...

Like your new red blog scenery. Yes, it's nice to read about everyone's happenings. Bummer about the Patriots. Have a great week!

Julie B said...

Reading about your photo experience reminded me of Chuck on your Xmas card a few years ago-I think you were all wearing black turtlenecks or something? It's giving me the giggles now :)

Hopefully Chuck's trip went well for him!

Love your new blog layout!

Lorrie said...

I agree, post that family picture (: I love your new layout, too. There is something about red and white together that I love!!