Wednesday, February 20, 2008

My oldest's first moment of rebellion

On Monday the kids had off school--yay!!! a free day!

Allison invited 3 of her best friends to stay overnight and to break the news to them that we are moving. It was a sad night, with many tears. One of them wouldn't even look at us, she was very mad at the two people that were taking away her friend. :(

The next day they decided to go shopping! We gave her some money because she "NEEDED" new jeans. Money is very hard to come by lately, but we thought this would cheer her up, shopping with friends, buying new clothes. All was good!

I was excited when she got home to see her new clothes and hear about her day, but my excitement quickly changed to fury when she walked in the door with a HAMPSTER CAGE....complete with a HAMPSTER inside!! I quickly learned that her and her friends had lied to the parent that brought them shopping by telling her that they had cleared it with me (they didn't) and that it was o.k. (it wasn't)! Yes, she had used our money to buy this. I was so mad--mostly frustrated that she used our money on something she WANTED and not what she NEEDED, and we don't have a lot of money coming in right now. UGH!! Needless to say, us mean parents are making her return the hamster, unless she can find someone to buy it from her. She thinks that she can pay us back, and pay for the bedding and food it'll need--but, she doesn't have a job! Last night Chuck and I found her applying for jobs on-line. are the culprits....

And here is the, I mean, hamster...........
I'm afraid of what's to come in the next few months. She's not happy with this move, and I have a feeling that she's going to make us pay. :)
I told her that she needs to make a decision--either she can make the last few months wonderful and fun, with many happy memories to last; or she can make bad decisions and be grounded for the remainder of her time. She didn't like to hear that.


Peace is every step said...

What a rebel-Allison style.

The poor little guy needs some cedar chips. Good luck saying goodbye to him:).

Chris said...

Don't worry, he does have chips now. This picture must have been in the store. Haven't said good-bye yet, and the longer we wait, the harder it'll be. :)

The Spirit said...

You buy a pair of jeans out of necessity you but a hamster out of love. Think twice before you send it back. You girls always had either a hamster or a rabbit or both in your lives while you were growing up and look how you all turned out!

Julie B said...

oh my-what a way to rebel! When I first read the title, I thought I was going to hear about how she stayed out all night, or talked back etc. But a hamster! She showed you, didn't she? :)-
I understand your frustrations...its hard for kids to understand just how tight $$ is most of the time. I hope you two can find a way to resolve this, and make the next few months ones filled with happy ones....

Chris said...

Yeah, I was being sarcastic when I wrote that title...if this is her way of rebelion...then bring it on! Dad, I don't mind that she bought a hamster, but it's the fact that she lied to her friends Mom's face, then used money that was really hard to come by, and doesn't have any means of paying for the necessities it comes with. That's all...I love the fact that she loves animals, but would have liked to have been warned ahead of time.

Kaylyn said...

HAHAHA! So at least she is rebeling with a could be worse. :)