Friday, February 8, 2008

The Puck Stops Here!

Allison won her first playoff game last night. The score was 6-2. She played very well, even with 2 penalties on us which made it 3 on 5. She was very tough in the net. On to Gustavus College on Tues. of next week.

No shots here... Lookin' a little bored...
Good game everyone...
Mitchell is back at school today. He was very excited as they are celebrating the 100th day of school today. I think they get to have a party, also. I just hope I don't get a call from the nurse....he said his throat kinda hurt this morning. We'll see how it goes.
Ashley had a big field trip yesterday. They went to the Schience Museum, Omni Theater, and to the Ordway for an interpretive dance demonstration. She had a lot of fun...except when the dancers came onstage wearing VERY see through costumes. She said that she was embarrassed for the men. :) A little too much for a 14 yr. old girl to take in, I think.
I am off today to help clean out a town house that Chuck built. It's my favorite thing to do.......(yes, I'm being sarcastic). It's the least I can do, having nothing to do all day today. :)
Gotta go...he's home to get me, and I'm not even showered yet! YIKES!!


My Lifesong said...

Busy family days! Congrats to Allison and her team. Had to work, and were we busy, so couldn't even see her for the home game. Did Mitch get strep, too? Glad Ashley enjoyed her trip, but can see it would be embarrassing to see scantily-clad dancers. Where did Chuck build a townhouse?

Chris said...

No, Mom, Mitch didn't get strep....yet. :) He has such a bad cold--afraid it's a sinus infection. Whenever he gets a bad one, it goes straight to his eyes, which looks like pink eye. He's complaining of a little sore throat and so am I. :(

The town home is one of the units in Spicer. They have an open house tomorrow, so we went there and cleaned this afternoon. I'm ready for a nap now....

Peace is every step said...

There is something about men in see-thru outfits doing "interpretive dance" that makes me laugh histerically. They just can't pull off the graceful movement like women can with their manliness out for the world to see.

Yay Allie! I hope everyone gets well soon!!

Lorrie said...

Way to go Allison!! So proud of you!
That is so funny about Ashley-I remember being that same age and a dance troupe came to Atwater to perform and we were all giggling and horrified for the same reason-I guess their outfits haven't changed much! Hopefully Mitchie is feeling better soon!

Sharyn said...

Yay, Allison! Way to go! Good luck with your next game! Courtney's team didn't do so well with tournaments this week. They lost 2 and only one 1 game. Courtney, on the hand hand, played very well. I hope Mitch is feeling better soon!! Courtney was sick this week, too, with a very bad sore throat and cough. Yuck!

Julie B said...

Yeah Allison!! Congrats! I can't wait to hear how you do on Tuesday!

Glad to hear Mitch is feeling better...lots going around this time of year! Hopefully th throat stuff will stay up there :)

That is too funny about Ashley, at that age, I would have been embarrassed too :)

Hope your having a great weekend!