Monday, July 7, 2008

What I love about my 17 yr. old!!

Your smile and laugh. You light up a room with your smile. When you laugh, I can't help but want to share in your joy.

Do I have something in my teeth?

I love your strong morals. You know exactly what you believe and you stick to it. Nobody's going to talk you into anything you don't want to do. You impress me every day.

I love your empathy towards others. You love all life, and believe it should be honored. I love how you can be on the computer for hours looking for pets to adopt. You take after me in that sense. You're Dad doesn't know where that came from. :)

You are a great friend. You give out awesome advice, and are a great listener. Your friends are lucky to have you.

You love your family--even though we annoy you sometimes. Your favorite thing to do is stay home and stay in your jammies, watching movies. You love rainy days and having nothing on the schedule. I, also, love that you and I love the same movies. Moulin Rouge....Sense and Sensibility....The Holiday....Ace Ventura. We could watch them over and over and over.....

I love laughing at the same jokes, making fun of each other when we say the wrong things.

I love how independent you are. You are so much more confident than I was at your age. You have a good head on your shoulders, and I know that you are going to do what makes you happy. You're going to go out and make a difference in this're so passionate about so many things.

You're turning into such a beautiful young woman...inside and out...and I'm so extremely proud to call you my daughter. I can't wait for our future trips to France and Italy...and maybe a trip to New York to see a Broadway musical. ;) Live it up, girl!

I love you so much. Happy 17th Birthday, my sweet.


Lorrie said...

Awww, what a beautiful post about a VERY beautiful young lady. I love the pictures-esp. when you have something stuck in your teeth-HAHA!
Happy birthday, again-Swanson's still need to serenade you!

My Lifesong said...

I agree with everything your mom said about you, and more. Lots of love, and birthday wishes. Sorry, we will be gone when you visit MN.

The Spirit said...

Your mom and you have a lot in common!

Peace is every step said...

I commented on this a while back, but it didn't show up!!!

Happy birthday Allie! I love seeing all your pictures growing up. I still remember you dancing in the basement, singing "do you have to let it linnnnggggeeeer?" with your crazy Aunts and mom.

Phil said...

Aww.. I wish my mom mom would say somethin amazing like that haha. Allison is an amazing girl and lucky to have a great mother.

Chris said...

Awww..Phil I just noticed your comment. I love that you read this. I look forward to more of your comments!

Phil said...

Well Allison made me get a blog and its kinda wierd but its alright. So then I thought I'd red hers and I saw yours. Its fun to read about my favorite family.

Chris said...

You're sweet. You're pretty high on our list, too. :)

allison said...

Phil! I did NOT make you get a blog. haha.
One day your like, "hey i made a blog!"

trying to make me look bad.. haha