Monday, July 7, 2008

Set building

On Thursday the kids and I got up early--o.k. early meaning 9:00 a.m.--and headed to the local theater, where they are performing 'The Wizard of Oz' this weekend. I e-mailed the theater last week and asked them if they needed help with building the set. I told them that we were new to the area and wanted to connect with the community, and my kids are all about the theater. They jumped at the chance, and could definitely use our help.

I'll admit...stepping out of my comfort zone is very hard for me. I get these great ideas, then find a million and one reasons why I shouldn't do it. That happened to me on Thursday morning as well. Stupid things popped into my, "I'm totally going to embarrass us; these people will think I'm a weirdo; what if they don't have anything for us to do and we just stand there looking goofy, etc....etc." Well, I shut that voice up and thought of the kids. All those thoughts run through their heads as well, and I had to show them that you never could be the best thing we ever do.

Well...I was right, it was the best thing we ever did. Not the work, mind you, but getting the connections. If any of you know, I'm a devout knitter. It's just in my blood....LOVE IT, and one of the first things I saw when we stepped into the lobby were a group of women KNITTING!! I knew it was a sign from God, I was so pumped. Then, the manager of the theater came and introduced himself and gave us a tour. It's a great little theater. This manager (Gary) is also in the production, and we later found out that he teaches piano and voice (exactly what my girls want to do). Anyway, he told the girls that their next performance is "Anything Goes" (which Allison has already done) and they need a few more girls for the chorus. So, we are going to sign them up for that! I was so excited for them. Needless to say....Thank God I didn't listen to those negative words in my head.

Our jobs that day included painting the stage floor:
Don't you love Ashley's jumper?

And the boys made 'Wet Paint' signs, and helped me tack up the stage skirting. After we were done, the woman in the picture with Ashley, and her son, took us out for lunch. She had a ton of info for me about theater opportunities. It was a great day!


Lorrie said...

Yay! I am so glad you didn't listen to your inner voice on this one. I probably would have....(: I think that is the perfect thing for you guys and it sounds like you are making great connections! I will call you soon to chat (: