O.k. I'm officially exhausted, and my house is a complete disaster! I have had a blast cooking up new recipes all week, from breakfast, after school snacks, and supper, but MAN it is tiring! I spend all my time mixing things up, cooking them, feeding the kids, then cleaning up....then starting the next meal! WHEW! But, I don't think my kids have eaten this well in a long time. They LOVE everything that I've put in front of them. Tanner, who's 10, is terrible about getting up in the morning, usually, but this past week as soon as I enter his room in the morning, he asks, "Are you making breakfast?" and I say "YES" and he flies out of bed to see what it is! This morning I made homemade oatmeal--which I NEVER have made--from 'the' cookbook, and before Tanner tasted it he was so disappointed 'cause he HATES oatmeal. But after the first taste he loved it, and even had a second bowl. It's so filling and it was delicious. It made me feel so good to see his smile.
This morning I whipped up a batch of oatmeal raisin cookies which has banana puree and squash puree in them. I taste-tested them...and they are yummy! Here's a picture:
But...I have to say...my house is a disaster! Half of my Christmas decorations are still up, and laundry, dust, and crumbs on the floor from all this baking, are piling up! Sigh....I'm definetly not 'fly lady' or Martha! I can only handle one thing at a time....
but, at least my belly is full, right? :)
Ha ha!! That is all that matters (: I am proud of you for doing 3 recipes a day out of the cookbook all week!! That is impressive. Just think how loved your family feels (: Just don't burn yourself out and then not want to do anything at all with it. That is my fear when I get mine as we are a lot alike! Keep up the good work-I like taste testing your recipes when I'm at your house-it makes me feel loved, too! Hee hee.
Wow, you go all out! Since I've just gotta be the "different" one in the bunch, I bought the "Sneaky Chef" book. I figured I'll let you do all the testing for your book! Aidan & I are off the make up our colorful purees. They have 5 different kinds that you make ahead and store, then throw into your recipes.
Danielle--I was thinking about buying the other cookbook, too. Can't use too many recipes, eh? I'm so excited that you got this one. And I also can't wait for your reviews to see if I should buy it or not. :)
Happy pureeing!
I think you just lived my life for the week! I feel like that is all I do all day...cook, feed the girls and then clean it up, repeat :) We've been trying to make extras for dinner so that we can eat leftovers for lunch...just to cut out one cooking session!
Glad the kids are enjoying all your effort! We have been doing a bit more of cooking over here, as I got two gluten-free cookbooks and have been experimenting with all different kinds of flours. We made banana muffins with applesauce yesterday that was delicious :)
Do they have any purees for adding greens into recipes? We are always looking for more ways to add that to our diet.
Oh, and if you want a recipe for adding beans into your diet, I have a GREAT pasta recipe we made last night! We used pureed white beans in order to give it a creamy texture without the dairy....it was so good :)
I'd love to try that recipe.
As far as adding greens to the recipes, they do have a bunch, and I think I'll try more this week. They suggested starting out with more subdue-tasting veggies at first like squash, carrot, sweet potatoes, so that the kids don't notice it immedietly like they may with more robust flavored veggies like brocoli or spinach. I did add broccoli to some turkey meatballs that I added in my spaghetti last week. The kids ate them like crazy, but, boy, do they stink! The broccoli has such a strong smell. I'll try and post some recipes today so that you can try them if you'd like. :)
that makes sense! I would love to see some recipes.
I will definitely try the broccoli in the turkey meatballs-my girls love broccoli so we'll see how it goes!
I'll try and post the recipe later tonight as well!
Boy, you're a cooking fool! But a healthy one, and the rewards are a family who loves it. Just try to keep a healthy balance so you don't burn out. Is this from the Seinfeld cookbook? I'd like to tase some of your concoctions, too.
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