O.k. my sis Danielle is doing this this week, and I have so much fun reading hers that I think I'll try it, too. Please forgive me if it bores you to tears.
Here's her pumpkin and giardia medicine....yum yum.
She doesn't mind it at all!
After that, I threw a chicken in the crock pot for supper......
"Of course, my handsome man!"
Something I learned today....Did you know that when the weather turns cold in higher altitudes, it makes the air pressure in your car tires decrease? I suppose it's simple science, but my car didn't know that....and neither did I before today. The light turned off as soon as the air warmed up. Interesting......
I left work a little early to take Tanner and Ashley to their doctor appointments. They needed check-ups and SHOTS. Here's Tanner being tough.....
.....while Ashley was getting hers done. Don't you love seeing me in the mirror? :) They had a total of 4 shots each...along with the flu-mist. Yuk!
We came home to find that poor Ruby couldn't hold it while we were gone. So, hence the drying kennel. Not a fun thing to return home to....especially when you have chicken cooking in the crock pot that smells delicious....and, well, you know....
After cleaning up, I monitor computer time,
and enforce trumpet practice and homework.
After supper it's shower time and bedtime snack time.
At this point, I'm trying to watch the debate, but....
this is so much more interesting...
While I was reading with Mitch, Chuck was doing the job I hate the most...washing dishes (especially crock pots with chicken cooking in them all day). Thank you, honey!
One more gourmet meal for Ruby. It's strictly rice tonight, baby. O.k. maybe a little chicken bouillon.
After scratching backs, and listening to all the super-hero names that Mitch has picked for his stuffed animals, it's lights out for the boys. Goodnight, 'blue-bear' (who can swim underwater without being noticed)...goodnight Freddie (who can disappear at any time), and goodnight Willy (who can disguise himself as a rock). O.k. maybe not too creative, but you gotta love 'em.
Finally, I'm off to the couch, exhausted, with a 'Mikes Hard Lemonade' and 'The Biggest Loser' on the tube. Sorry I hardly have any pictures of the girls today. Allison didn't get home from practice until after I was on the couch under two blankets. Hopefully tomorrow with be a little less chaotic.
I LOVE hearing about your day! You are a busy Mama. Holy crap. Three rides to school!!! Keep em coming. Not boring at all.
I also loved reading about your day! I think you all should do this every day :)
So my photos are being taken...I am hoping tomorrow night I'll have a chance to post them!
I hope Ruby is feeling better soon!
Yay, I was so excited to see you were writing about your days! I will have to, too now (: It is so fun and I find very interesting hearing what everyone is up to. It makes you seem a lot closer than you are. Keep it up-not boring at all (:
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